Register of Road Vehicles

The Joint Stock Company REGITRA is a management body for the Register of Road Vehicles of the Republic of Lithuania. The Ministry of the Interior is the leading Register management body.

The following data shall be managed within the Register:

  • technical data of vehicles;
  • data on the owners of vehicles;
  • Register’s handling data (licence plate numbers, registration documents and other registration procedures);
  • data on any imposed restrictions (obtained from other sources).

The owner of a road vehicle is entitled to free of charge information on the road vehicles registered in his/her name once in a calendar year.

More detailed information on vehicles, their legal status and owners thereof is provided to natural and legal persons at a charge in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. Data from the Register are submitted upon recipient’s request.

Persons willing to conclude register’s data provision contracts (for periodic delivery of data) should apply to the administration of the Joint Stock Company REGITRA, Liepkalnio str. 97A, LT-02121 Vilnius, fax (8 5) 266 0423, or send an application by e-mail info@regitra.lt. Signing of the contracts will grant the users of the Register managed by REGITRA a direct on-line access to the Register’s data.